With the approach of Father’s Day, Texas Saddlery wants to take some to recognize the holiday that is meant to honor dear old dad and all his hard work. Father’s Day is often overlooked and a brushed off holiday. Falling after an onslaught of holidays including Mother’s Day and Memorial Day, Father’s Day doesn’t always get the recognition it deserves. It’s a day to honor our fathers, grandfathers, and step-dads.
Our fathers do a lot and are expected to do even more. They play a variety of roles in our lives and they should be recognized. So this year do it with a simple gift, like a leather belt, or even a card. Just something to show your appreciation. This year Father’s Day is June 21.
A History
While the inspiration for the modern Father’s Day comes from the similar Mother’s Day holiday, it didn’t become a holiday until several years after Mother’s Day. President Woodrow Wilson made the second Sunday in May the official holiday for Mother’s Day. This came after the holiday had much success across the country in years prior.
The campaign for Father’s Day was not met with as much enthusiasm as Mother’s Day. However, in 1910, one woman in Spokane, Washington worked to get support from local churches, YMCA and other organizations to celebrate Father’s Day. Sonora Louise Smart Dodd fought hard to make her dream a reality. She saw it only fitting that we have a day to celebrate each parent, equally.
Sonora Dodd spent many hours and days campaigning to make the holiday official. And finally, her hard work paid off. A Washington state YMCA officially celebrated the country’s first Father’s Day on June 19, 2010, 110 years ago!
There is debate, however, that the first Father’s Day took place across the country in West Virginia in 1908. A local Methodist church held services to celebrate fathers after a deadly mine explosion killed 361 men.
The Controversy
Although it only seems fair to have a day to celebrate the nation’s fathers, the holiday was still met with disdain. Many fathers saw the holiday as just another day to spend money on gifts. The money they made, of course.
By the time the depression hit, retailers were advertising Father’s Day like a second Christmas for fathers. Encouraging children and spouses to buy gifts like neckties, socks, pipes, and more.
Additionally, in the 1930s there was a fight and campaign to combine Mother’s Day and Father’s Day. Making it one day called Parents’ Day. This idea was presented to celebrate parents as a unit and to save money only having to celebrate one holiday versus two.
It wasn’t until 1972 when Richard Nixon finally made the holiday an official national holiday. A long fight of over 60 years to get the holiday nationally recognized. And it is now estimated that Americans spend more than $1 billion each year on Father’s Day gifts.
Globally Recognized
After a long fight to get the holiday nationally recognized, it is now celebrated in several countries around the world. Other countries recognize Father’s Day, but many of them celebrate it at different times during the year.
Along with the United States, a long list of countries including the United Kingdom, Panama, Mexico, and more, celebrate the holiday on the third Sunday of June. While Scandinavian countries, Norway, Finland, and Sweden, celebrate it in November.
It may not be celebrated on the same day throughout the globe, but Father’s Day is still a globally recognized holiday. As it should be.
Modern Day Gift Giving
Just because dads may “buck” the idea of a holiday that celebrates them, it doesn’t mean they shouldn’t get gifts. After all, they deserve some appreciation and acknowledgment.
Thoughtful gifts like giving dad the “day off” or having a BBQ are great ways to celebrate the holiday. It provides family time and fathers an opportunity to relax. And it can really show your dad just how much you appreciate everything he does.
Getting dad a lawnmower or a toolset may seem like a good idea. But it presents your dad with opportunities for more work and chores. Instead, get them a long-lasting accessory, like a leather belt or wallet.
Texas Saddlery has a variety of quality leather goods that can make great Father’s Day gifts. After all, who doesn’t want or appreciate a fashionable leather accessory? They don’t create new chores or other items on the honey-to-do list.
This year, show your dad a different kind of appreciation. One that lets him show off his style and works as hard as he does. Give your dad a Happy Father’s Day!